Protecting The Church

Mark 3:2 tells us that Jesus’ detractors watched him “so that they might accuse him.” As followers of Jesus in biblical churches become increasingly marginalized in today’s context, we are being watched too. This is why we have made it our aim to assure the protections still afforded us – namely, written documents – are in proper order.

This past year, it has been a function of the Board – with Dwight Ball leading the charge – see that our constitution protects Grace in a changing culture. Our constitution was written in the 1980’s when the courts and legal system protected churches. While they may have disagreed with our views, there was a general understanding in government that the moral and ethical values of religion benefited society and contributed to stability and order.

The tone and view of civil government has undergone a seismic shift in the last 40 years. Christians who hold biblical views that conflict with societal sensitivities are now considered to be at odds with the best interest of its citizens. Thus, we have become fodder for lawsuits and targets for those looking for opportunities to force court cases that will punish Christians and silence the voice of the Church.

Following advice from a Christian advocacy group, we are working on a new constitution that will help inoculate us from potential threats. This is not just a rewrite of the constitution, but a new constitution.

Keep in mind that the constitution and by-laws of Grace Bible Church are not biblical and doctrinal positions on which we would refuse to compromise. The core biblical values that all members read and agreed to will not change. The constitution, rather, deals with the way the church is structured and managed, and how it ministers. The way these matters are presented, including confusing, undefined concepts, and terms that could lead to ambiguity in court, are being evaluated. Policy matters are being moved to  where they belong – in a policy manual, not in the by-laws.

The process is near completion. The next step is a board summit this weekend (January 26-27) to evaluate the new constitution. After legal scrutiny, you will be given the opportunity to view, comment on, and discuss the new constitution before it is voted on by you, the congregation.

Please pray for the board this weekend – that we will be given the necessary wisdom and insight and that we will be of one mind in the Spirit on this important matter.