March 3 to March 9

this week

We are providing spaghetti sauce and noodles for the Winston-Salem Rescue Mission during the month of February. Items can be dropped off any day of the week at the church.


10:00 - 11:30 am Grace for Healing Grief Support Group. Join us as we find comfort and healing through God’s Word and fellowship with other believers.


9:00 AM — Adult Bible Fellowships.

  • Men’s Retreat Follow-up. We will continue the study of the Beatitudes we began at the Men’s Retreat this past week. This is open to all, it doesn’t matter if you were not able to attend the men’s retreat.

  • Women’s Bible Study. Led by Karleigh King, this study of the letter of Colossians is open to all the women at Grace. Each week there is a short video, teaching time, discussion and prayer. A companion book is available at the church.

10:00 AM — Worship Service. We will continue our study of Galatians. This week we’ll look at 1:11-17 with the title of the message being “Called by Grace.”

6:00 PM — Parenting University classes taught by Nathan and Christine Carmichael.

Songs for Corporate Worship

“Mercy Tree” |“The Power Of The Cross” |“Across The Lands” |“The Risen Christ” |“Behold Our God”