Adorning The Gospel

Merriam-Webster’s word of the year for 2023 is “authentic.”  More and more people have been looking up the definition because the line between “real” and “fake” has become increasingly blurred. This fog is driven by the impact of artificial intelligence on deepfake videos, politicians’ resumes, actors’ contracts, and academic honesty among other topics.  Celebrity culture and social media tend to intensify the confusion. “Real” is a helpful synonym of this word that means “not false or imitation.”

Image is a powerful force in today’s culture because, for many, perception is reality. But Jesus confronted this in his day by challenging the poster boys of righteousness (Pharisees) calling them whitewashed tombs – attractive on the outside but full of rottenness on the inside (Matt. 23:27). Their outward image of being good was not just unimpressive to God – it was repulsive.

Today “authentic” is used in the context of being “true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character.” “You be you” is the mantra of this generation. Often a defiant casting off of expectation from others or assumed standard or norm, it is the rule of hyper individualism. Increasingly, there are those who find it to be a lonely  existence.

I want to redeem “You be you” in the context of the gospel of grace. When Jesus’ history becomes yours, when your identity and righteousness are found in him, when you can say “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me,” then you be you. In other words, bring to outward expression the reality that exists within. Peter put is this way, “Be… diligent to confirm  your calling and election” (2 Peter 1:10).  This is not a mandate to keep up appearances like pinning golden delicious apples on a crabapple tree. It is an invitation to live in the outflow of your walk with God and your delight in him because you are fully loved and accepted by him. You are “holy and beloved!” So, you be you – who you are in Christ.

Let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ

Philippians 1:27

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