Two Things To Ask

God is sending more people our way, and we are “back to the drawing board” on the issue of space and expansion for the ministry of Grace. At this point all options are on the table, and it will take wisdom, forbearance, and the Spirit’s guidance to meet the needs of our congregation and the many guests coming into our fellowship.

First, let me say thank you for your welcoming spirit.  It is not uncommon for me to hear comments about the inviting family atmosphere in the worship at Grace. But…it is getting tight – in the parking lot, downstairs in the nursery and children’s ministry, and in the auditorium during the worship service.

There are two things I want to ask of you so that we can maximize with good stewardship what we have, what God provides, and who he sends our way. First, for a heart of hospitality. Hospitality is a biblical virtue of the church (Hebrews 13:2). A hospitable person will help others feel welcome, help them find their way around, and make space for them to fit in. The hospitable person also takes the initiative to connect. This could get messy, but people will recognize when they enter among us that the culture of grace says, “Come as you are, just don’t stay that way (like, overwhelmed and confused). I will walk with you.”

About making space, here are three subpoints under the first ask:

  1. If you drive an all-wheel drive or a four-wheel drive vehicle, please consider parking in the lower grassy parking lot.

  2. In the auditorium, please fill the rows up by moving toward the center.

  3. We need brave volunteers to sit in the front row. I have established the policy of “no spitting” from the platform.

My second ask is for a spirit of forbearance.   Being able to forbear is a mark of God’s people (Colossians 3:13). The situation may be uncomfortable for a season, and the remedy may not come as quickly as we all might like, but working together will lighten the load. If you have insights, we’d love to hear from you.  If you feel you are in the dark, please ask. But please remember, communication is never perfect this side of eternity, and we could not possibly pursue all the recommendations we receive. Thank you for your understanding.

As we walk with each other in the mind of Christ, may these challenges grow us together into a more beautiful church.

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