It was a curious thing that ancient Israel wanted to be like other nations by having a king. I guess they didn’t want to stand out too much. Why is blending in so important to people? Everyone wants to be noticed and appreciated; many aspire to be the best in their field – notoriety based on accomplishment or bizarre behavior. But who is willing to be truly distinguished – being different in a way that prompts wonder?
“You’re not like other people” may be heard. Such a distinction is not pretense, but something about this person at the core sets them apart. Daniel distinguished himself because an excellent spirit was in him. Noah’s obedience – clearly not affirmed by others – condemned his generation. Joseph was set apart because God was with him. Peter and John were uneducated, common men, but baffled the educated men in high position who realized that they had been with Jesus.
When Moses debated with God about continuing on without God’s presence, he said “…Is it not in your going with us, so that we are distinct, I and your people, from every other people on the face of the earth?” (Exodus 33:16) In other words, if God is not with us, what is the point? There would be no distinction. Throughout Scripture God’s people are set apart and called to be distinct by our faithfulness to God, by marching to his drumbeat, by living for his opinion alone (2 Corinthians 5:9), by living with the end in view and making his purpose our overriding goal.
Onlookers may think it strange or threatening; they may laugh or lash out. That may be new for us in 21st century America, but it was nothing new in history – consider Daniel, Noah, and Joseph; the prophets, the apostles, and the martyrs of church history.
Amy Carmichael, an Irish missionary to India mused, “Certain it is that the reason there is so much shallow living—much talk but little obedience—is that so few are prepared to be, like the pine on the hilltop, alone in the wind for God.” Blending in is like hiding your lamp under a bushel; it is like tasteless salt. None of which makes sense if indeed you are part of “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).
Christian – God’s Spirit has taken up residence in you. He is the Spirit of truth, and where the Spirit is, there is liberty, and the ability to walk lovingly in God’s commands without fear. In this loving, fearless walk God promises to manifest himself to you; as you draw near to God, he will draw near to you. And who is like the Lord our God? Step out, take the bushel off of your lamp. May your walk with the benevolent, sovereign, Creator/Redeemer compel others to say that God really is among you.
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